UK Residency: What You Need To Know About Immigration And Banking

Those seeking to relocate to the United Kingdom for added benefits of a good standard of health, better education options, or overall quality of life, often neglect to consider stringent visa requirements coupled with hefty financial costs.

Despite the general stumbling blocks of ex-pat life, such as packing, moving, passports, flights, finding a property, and researching schools, the realities and the ordeal of preparing for life in another country may become daunting, but it does not have to be.

Unizest and Xpatweb have joined forces to simplify the visa and banking application processes for South Africans wishing to relocate to the UK in an extended all-in-one service offering.

Secure Your Residency

It is a known fact that to be able to relocate to another country, you need to get your immigration papers in order and with the strict UK immigration legislation, it can become a frustrating and taxing process when not following correct processes.

There are a variety of visa types available to secure your residency, whether you intend to start your job as a skilled worker, join your spouse, or to secure residency based on your ancestral history, it is recommended that you consult one of Xpatweb’s experts to ensure you apply for the correct UK visa in line with your circumstances.

Banking Solutions

Moving abroad isn’t for the faint-hearted, and whilst the above is imperative to the relocation process, so is banking. Overseas banking is probably the biggest stressor and hurdle to cross, however the easiest to overlook. Without the ease of finances, you are stranded, and as everything costs money, shelling out wads of SA Rands will do you no good when GB Pounds rule the streets.

Opening a bank account in the UK while still in SA preparing for the big move, can take between 3 to 6 months if you don’t have a residential history. Despite agents trying their best to expedite the processes, it becomes time-consuming and difficult to navigate from SA while you are eagerly waiting to settle in your host country.

Herein lies the conundrum of finding placement in the UK and there is no scarier experience than arriving in a foreign country with not enough money and the rest of your money trapped in a South African account. Through experience, we have seen the consequences of an extended timeframe and the drastic effect it can have on your finances.

Even if you have arranged with your SA banking institution that you will be transacting in the UK, every single transaction will cost you a small fortune and before clearing out your eyes, your reserves have been spent.

If you were thinking Bitcoin will be able to solve this problem, think again. Digital currencies have many pitfalls as most businesses do not yet accept crypto payments nor pay remuneration over in cryptocurrency, despite it being an erratic investment platform.

Non-UK workers or students have tried to find other, more questionable, ways around this age-old dilemma of getting available finances in the UK, which usually end in double taxation, penalties, or even criminal charges.

Coming Together

It is Xpatweb and Unizest’s mission to find solutions for expatriates to have a painless relocation experience. Xpatweb is the largest immigration agency in South Africa and appreciates the personal impact and importance of obtaining a legally correct visa, while not overburdening the client with paperwork with end-to-end facilitation.

While Xpatweb facilitates your immigration paperwork, Unizest is an established tech-based payment platform that offers an e-current account app for workers and students new to the UK. The Unizest e-current account app can be used in the same way as digital banking apps for day-to-day management of money, direct debits, international transfers and more. The simple and secure in-app sign up process enables you to open your e-current account in the UK, while in the SA, and avoiding the lengthy 3 to 6 month timeframe.

As an account holder, you can transfer funds in and out, even if in limbo, and start working and earning immediately. Your employer can also pay your earnings into your Unizest account and you will have access to it right away. Once you know your UK address, you can order your contactless Debit Mastercard to arrive there.

With a modest and affordable fee structure together with easy usage, the benefits of creating an account without facing the usual delays are countless.

In partnership with Xpatweb and Unizest, we provide an all-inclusive service to expatriates wishing to relocate to the UK, and overcoming the predicament of establishing a UK account is a massive leap towards helping clients settle in faster.



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