Covid And The Current Global Movement

While 20 land borders are fully operational, 33 borders remain closed due to the number of Covid infections and the imposed travel regulations.

Travel from South Africa is closely monitored. Daily commuters from neighbouring countries are allowed entry, but exit between other countries are subject to compliance with protocols relating to-

(a) Screening for Covid-19 and quarantine or isolation, where necessary;
(b) The wearing of a face mask;
(c) Transportation; and
(d) Sanitization and social distancing measures as per the relevant health protocols on safety and prevention of the spread of Covid-19.

Travellers arriving to other countries must provide a valid negative Covid test, which was obtained less than 72 hours prior to arrival.

In the event of the traveller’s failure to submit a valid negative Covid test, they will be required to take an antigen test on arrival. If the traveller is positive, they will be required to isolate at their own cost for a period of 10 days, depending on the destination.

Covid and visa applications within South African embassies and consulates

Recent changes to visa application processes in South Africa, resulted in additional requirements being implemented to ensure that only essential travel is conducted. This could mean that visa requests are no longer being treated within embassies or consulates, but rather within the Immigration Department inside the country of destination. The processing time of visas also doubled due to strict review processes being conducted within each embassy or consulate. Countries where the number of Covid infections have decreased, are currently considering tourism activities, though it depends on the country where an applicant originates from.

Issues experienced with visa applications

Where some embassies and consulates in South Africa have started accepting visa applications, appointments are still difficult to come by and stringent requirements further retard the process. USA and Canadian embassies and consulates allow the capturing of visa applications, but appointments have not yet been confirmed.

As an Immigration Services Provider, we highly advise all travellers to discuss their travel plans with experts within the industry. This will avoid obtaining negative outcomes on applications.

Please be advised that, even though we face challenges based on the above, Xpatweb still delivers visas and permits throughout Africa, especially in Botswana, Angola, Mozambique, DRC, and Zambia. Please contact us should you need assistance


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