Start your life with your South African partner as well as having the freedom to work, study or start a business. See if you fit requirements to apply for a spousal visa below.


Are you married to a South African and wishing to immigrate to South Africa? If your spouse or life partner is a South African Citizen or a Permanent Resident, you can apply for a South African Spousal Visa to be deemed eligible for immigration. Having a Spousal Visa will not only let you reside in South Africa with your spouse, but you will also be able to work, study or set up a business, which is a huge advantage. You may also qualify for Permanent Residency if you have been in a relationship with a South African citizen for five years or more, this applied to both married and unmarried couples.

If you are an unmarried couple but have been in a relationship with a South African Citizen for two years or more, you might qualify for a Life Partner Visa.


Frequently asked Questions (FAQ)

If your spouse has been offered a job in South Africa they are required by law to get a South African work permit which will allow them to work and reside in South Africa. Click here to learn more

Yes, you can. As a spouse of a South African temporary residence visa (Work Visa) holder you are required by law to apply for a Visitor Visa in terms of Section 11(1) b (iv) of the Immigration Act of 2002, as amended. This visa allows you to lawfully reside with your spouse while they are on work assignment in South Africa.

Unfortunately, this visa does not allow you to work, study or conduct a business in SA. If you want to work in South Africa you will have to apply for your own independent work visa.


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