~ Spar says its workers had papers after police arrest 63
The Spar retail group has responded to allegations by the Department of Home Affairs, saying that it does not wittingly […]
The Spar retail group has responded to allegations by the Department of Home Affairs, saying that it does not wittingly […]
Action by national joint operations sees 147 undocumented migrants arrested after inspections at businesses in Tshwane and Johannesburg Business managers who illegally employ foreign migrants without authorisation to live and work in SA are being targeted for prosecution under the Immigration Act, Home Affairs Minister Malusi Gigaba said on Sunday.
On 22 February, a letter was issued by a governing school in Edenvale, informing parents that if any foreign child who has incomplete documentation will be escorted by the police and the parents should fetch them at the police station. This had led to major outrage among all foreign families living in South Africa.
On 30th December 2016, the Kenya Citizenship and Immigration Regulation 2012 was revised. The amendment included a new directive namely, regulation 10(2A).
The salary cap for The Department of Home Affairs and the Parliament had been requested to be reconsidered, but is still set out to remain in play until 2019.