Author name: Marisa Jacobs

Marisa has a wealth of knowledge on Immigration, specialising in the application of temporary and permanent residence applications. She assists both large corporate companies and individuals enabling her to provide a high quality immigration service that is customized to organisation and individual needs and circumstances. She has extensive experience in expatriate management and induction sessions and streamlining administrative process. Her knowledge of SARS Tax Directive Applications, Department of Labour auditing process, Reserve Bank clearances, and foreign remittance practices enables her to provide an all-inclusive service around Immigration into South Africa.

Archived, News

Work Visas and Expanding Your Business Family

How difficult is it really to obtain a work visa for a foreign skilled employee? Like many things in life, very easy when you know what you need and how to go about it, but near impossible where you are inexperienced and make school-boy errors. We share some expert tips in getting visas for foreign skilled employees.

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