Author name: xp-admin

The Long-Awaited Critical Skills List Finally Gazetted
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The Long-Awaited Critical Skills List Finally Gazetted

Aaron Motsoaledi, Minister of Home Affairs, has Gazetted the long-awaited new Critical Skills List, which had not been updated since 2014. This has been welcomed with open arms by corporations across South Africa, which may now fulfil the country’s objective of luring foreign professionals and sought-after critical skills.

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The South African Dream: From Residency To Citizenship

The Southern tip of Africa is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful places in the world. Known for its diverse culture and breath-taking scenery, South Africa draws people from all over. However, the journey from being a foreign immigrant to becoming a South African citizen requires a bit of planning and dedication. For most hopeful applicants, this would mean first obtaining temporary residence, then permanent residence, and finally, citizenship. 

Tips To Get Ready For Your UK Trip
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Tips To Get Ready For Your UK Trip

Industry experts have lauded 2022 as the year of international travel. While there is nothing to substantiate this view, it has merit purely based on the frustrations encountered by some amid pandemic-fuelled lockdowns.

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