Author name: xp-admin

Archived, News

Newsflash: Department of Home Affairs Approves First Companies for Trusted Employer Scheme

The Department of Home Affairs has given its seal of approval to the first set of companies to be part of the much-anticipated Trusted Employer Scheme. This significant milestone follows a rigorous evaluation process that saw numerous employers vying for a coveted spot in the program. The submission deadline for companies interested in the scheme was set for November 20th, and the response from the business community was overwhelmingly positive.

The Department of Home Affairs extends blanket concession until 30 June 2024 ftin
Archived, News

The Department of Home Affairs extends blanket concession until 30 June 2024

The recent decision (Directive) by the Department of Home Affairs (“DHA”) to further extend the blanket concession granted to long term visa holders was music to the ears of many. Today, 22 December 2023, the DHA released a new Directive stating that long-term visa holders in South Africa have been granted legal permission to remain in the Republic of South Africa (“South Africa”) until 30 June 2024.

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