Schreiber upbeat on clearing visa backlog by end of 2024
Home Affairs minister Leon Schreiber says he plans to clear the backlog of more than 300,000 visa applications stuck at local home affairs offices and foreign missions.
Home Affairs minister Leon Schreiber says he plans to clear the backlog of more than 300,000 visa applications stuck at local home affairs offices and foreign missions.
As Suid-Afrika ‘n bykomende 11 000 werknemers met skaars en kritieke vaardighede per jaar hierheen kan lok, kan dit 1,2% by die jaarlikse BBP-groei voeg, sê dr. Leon Schreiber, minister van binnelandse sake.
The newly appointed Minister of the Department of Home Affairs, Dr. Leon Schreiber, held a pivotal meeting with key stakeholders in South Africa’s business community. The session, scheduled by Business Unity South Africa (BUSA) and Business Leadership South Africa (BLSA), included the attendance of senior team members such as Director General of the Department of Home Affairs, Mr. Makhode.
The session focused on areas such as encouraging foreign direct investment, increased tourism and mobilising skills which in turn creates employment.
Dr Leon Schreiber, new Minister of Home Affairs, is set to engage directly with business and investors in Johannesburg on 8 August 2024, sharing his vision for positioning the Department of Home Affairs (DHA) as an engine of economic growth.
Die departement van binnelandse sake se agterstand met die uitreiking van visums groei elke dag met tot 150 omdat hulle net die helfte van daaglikse aansoeke kan verwerk.Â
 Só sê Phindiwe Mbhele, ’n direkteur in die departement. Volgens hom ontvang die departement sowat 300 visum-aansoeke per dag, maar kan net 120 tot 150 per dag uitreik.Â