Visa Category

Remote Work Visa vs Section 11(2) Visa | South Africa
2024, News, Visa Category

New Remote Work Visa vs Section 11(2) Visitor’s Visa – What you need to know

A significant change introduced by the newly gazetted regulations on 20 May 2024, was the implementation of the Remote Work Visa in South Africa. This visa allows individuals employed by foreign companies to work remotely in South Africa. This is similar to the digital nomad visas now popular in many countries across the globe.

The Remote Work Visa should not be confused with the Short Term Work Visa, also known as a Section 11(2) visa. This visa is specifically intended for foreign nationals conducting short-term work-related activities and hosted by a South African company.

2024, News, Visa Category

Trusted Employer Scheme Visa Issued Within 24 Hours

90 days after the launch of the Department of Home Affairs’ Trusted Employer Scheme, companies are taking stock.

Marisa Jacobs, Managing Director of Xpatweb, immigration service provider confirms that there has been a marked difference for companies enrolled as Trusted Employers, with their first visa submitted under the scheme issued within 24 hours. This is a big accolade for the Department, and they should be commended for the efforts they have made towards the success of the scheme.

Jacobs says they have also seen another Embassy immediately acknowledge the TES application, and on submission confirming the applicant can return 10 days later to collect the outcome with a dedicated phone line for any questions or updates.

2024, News, Visa Category

Round Two – Minister of the Department of Home Affairs Gazette New Immigration Regulations: A Closer Look at the Changes

On the 20th of May 2024, the Minister of Home Affairs, Dr. Aaron Motsoaledi (“the Minister”), Gazetted a new set of Immigration Regulations.

The Department of Home Affairs (“DHA”) faced backlash after publishing the aforementioned regulations a day prior to the closing date for comments. This led to the Minister formally withdrawing the regulations on 12 April 2024, in order to follow due process before the regulations would be Gazetted again.

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