We offer a complete forex solution that takes the pain out of international money transfers. Our integrated team of forex, tax and compliance experts are deeply experienced in exchange control regulations and cross-border payments, ensuring a seamless, cost-effective approach to help you safely navigate the complexities related to the international flow of money.


Corporate or Individual Fund Transfers to and from South Africa

Receiving or sending funds abroad for a variate of reasons/purposes e.g. gifts, Foreign inheritance, foreign loans and deceased estate beneficiary payments to name a few. How we assist

We will negotiate and secure the best possible rate of exchange on behalf of our customers and we will ensure that transactions are compliant with the current South African Reserve Bank Exchange control regulations and we will also assist with Exchange control applications were applicable.

Import and Export Payments for Businesses

Import and export a variety of products and services to and from South Africa. How we assist

We will assist clients to effect international payments (Similar to the above regarding funds transfer).

Foreign Investment Allowances

South African individuals may choose to invest their 10 Million Foreign Investment Allowance (FIA) and/ or 1 Million single discretionary allowance (SDA) abroad. How we assist

We will assist clients to effect international payments (Similar to the above regarding funds transfer).


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