
Reduced Visa Requirements: A Key Benefit of The Trusted Employer Scheme (TES) Pilot Launched By DHA
The Department of Home Affairs (DHA) has launched the re-packaging of the Corporate Accounts service

Retire with wealth in South Africa
South Africa’s Retired Person’s visa program is among the topmost accessible visa regimes, offering one

Why all mobility professionals should attend Xpatweb’s Virtual Immigration Workshop
Navigating South Africa’s current immigration landscape can be complex and cumbersome, ensuring you are fully

The Isle of Man hosts 800 South Africans – boasting as popular relocation destination
Tax Consulting South Africa and Xpatweb visited the Isle of Man over the weekend of

Department of Home Affairs Confirms Visa Backlog Has Increased to over 74 000, but Xpatweb says they see improvement
Xpatweb held its Global Mobility Breakfast on 31 August 2023, during which gathering the latest

The Critical Skills Crisis – A Problem Mitigated by Data-Driven Evidence
South Africa continues to face a critical skills crisis across many sectors, making it difficult

Critical Skills Crisis Exacerbated by DHA Challenges, But Hope Is on the Horizon
The South African Immigration landscape is ever-evolving. However, in the past 18 months, it has

Work Visa Roadblocks Cause Frustration Amid Critical Skills Crisis
Navigating the various work visa applications is quite tricky. Individuals and HR professionals assisting employees