PRESS RELEASE | Minister of Home Affairs to engage with business and key stakeholders

Dr Leon Schreiber, new Minister of Home Affairs, is set to engage directly with business and investors in Johannesburg on 8 August 2024, sharing his vision for positioning the Department of Home Affairs (DHA) as an engine of economic growth.

Despite his limited time in office, Minister Schreiber has already committed to enhancing the DHA’s role as an economic enabler by accelerating the implementation of Operation Vulindlela’s reforms.

In his recent Budget Vote, he referred to priorities such as the finalisation of the points-based system for work visas, rolling out the remote working and start-up visas, updating the Critical Skills List more regularly, and making it easier for more tourists to visit South Africa.

The breakfast session, hosted by Xpatweb, will be attended by many of South Africa’s largest investors and corporates. These companies often find themselves in the position where they must recruit professionals with scarce skills globally and thus depend on the swift and efficient processing of visa applications.

Thie Minister’s visit follows Xpatweb Global Mobility Conference held last week.

During the Conference Mr Phindiwe Mbhele, Director of Corporate Accounts in DHA, highlighted amendments to immigration regulations which makes it less complicated for companies to apply for Work Visas.

He said when the Department started the Trusted Employer Scheme (TES), there were a lot of scepticism among companies, but it is now regarded as one of the most successful interventions by the DHA in the last two decades. Under the scheme, eligible employers can be assured of expedited processing and reduced complexities in employing foreign talent.

Mbhele said Department officials will brief the Minister on the TES success and are positive a second round of applications for companies to be become part of the scheme, will be offered soon.

The programme for the business breakfast includes a panel discussion, moderated by media specialist, Jeremy Maggs to allow discussion and participation.


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