Visas Expiring During Covid-19 in SA
Xpatweb conducted a survey during the peak of COVID-19 Restrictions in South Africa. The Work Visa Risk Impact survey gave a sense of how the lockdown is impacting expat workers within South Africa, as well as new assignees who were due to enter South Africa to commence project requirements.
More than 150 corporates and multinational companies operating across Africa participated in the survey and of which 44% of expat employees’ visas had expired or are due to expire. Additionally, 73% of those visa holders had extended assignments and as such require(d) to extend their visas beyond the current validity.
Renewal Option For Intra-Company Transfer Visas
The results were shared with the Department of Home Affairs (DHA) and South African Embassies abroad receiving a great deal of attention coupled with many positive responses. In line with the above survey results and our adherence towards immigration compliance, we confirm that we can assist with extending your Intra-Company Transfer (ICT) Work Visa for 2 more years. Â This is in addition to the existing 4-year period, and can be submitted from within South Africa, thus no need for expatriates to travel back home.
There are however strict guidelines that an expat has to meet in order to qualify for this 2 year extension. It is thus best to solicit professional help in order to assess if the expat will qualify for the extension.
This only applies to holders of ICT Visas that expired during the lockdown period, and subject to the following conditions:
- Proof that local entity of the company abroad still requires the services of the ICT visa holder.
- Proof of Skill transfer to a South African or Permanent Residence was completed during initial undertaking.
- The ICT visa application will be considered as a new application and shall not lead towards Permanent Residency.
- The ICT holder will remain in employment of the designated employer.
- No change of employer, status or condition from current visa.
Expats In SA: Use To Good Advantage
We encourage employers and expatriates to take advantage of this opportunity to extend existing ICT visas. Normally, one had to return home to renew an ICT Visa which can be both time consuming and expensive.
Please contact us if you have an ICT visa that has expired or soon to expire and we can assist with your extension application.