#VisaAmendments: Highlights from Department of Home Affairs Address

The new Critical Skills list is expected to be released in April 2019 – The Department is currently engaging with respective Government Departments and Business Sectors for their input.


  1. Permanent Residency for graduates within the Critical Skills Sectors is being further promoted to retain these skills, this will include temporary resident Critical Skills Work Visas for graduates not opting for Permanent Residency.
  2. 10-year Business Visas for BRICS countries issued within 5 days. These applications may be submitted via courier. This is aimed at boosting investment from countries such as India and China.
  3. Visa-free travel is being negotiated with numerous countries across Africa, the Middle East, Eastern Europe, and the Caribbean.
  4. Ease of travel for minors to promote tourism.

Click here for a copy of the Ministers’ full statement

Critical Skills List
Directive for graduates who studied within a Critical Skills area
List of passport holders who are exempt from visas for South Africa
BRICS Directive – Long term multi-entry visa for Business Travels


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